Proper recovery is an essential part of being an athlete. Your body is like an engine, and it does require regular maintenance. There are a wealth of recovery products available to help keep you feeling and performing at your absolute best. Here are a few essential recovery techniques for runners.
Recovery Tools From Triggerpoint
Muscle recovery tools are an awesome way to fend off soreness and prevent injury. One tool many athletes utilize for recovery is a foam roller. Foam rolling has been shown to reduce soreness and increase range of motion. Adding a foam roller to your routine can make a huge impact on how your body performs day in and day out during your athletic endeavors.
Triggerpoint makes great recovery products for athletes that include foam rollers, massage balls, handheld massage sticks, and more! Bikes Palm Beach is your destination when it comes to Triggerpoint massage therapy tools—stop into the shop to check them out!
Nutrition and Hydration
Another way to boost your recovery is by determining the right nutrition and hydration options that work for you. The right balance of supplements can make a world of difference in how you feel before, during, and after a workout. We carry a broad selection of nutrition and hydration supplements here at Bikes Palm Beach. Come visit our nutrition wall and you will find products from Clif, GU, The Right Stuff, Nuun, Honey Stinger, Tailwind, and more.
Dynamic and Static Stretching
Here’s one that you’ve probably heard before—STRETCHING! There’s a reason you’ve heard the importance of stretching being repeated all these years! Stretching post-workout ensures your muscles maintain a good range of motion while managing soreness. Using tools like stretch bands are awesome if you don’t have a reliable stretching partner. You can also use apparel like compression socks & sleeves to help relieve soreness, improve circulation, and speed up recovery. We carry a great selection of compression apparel from brands like Zensah!
A proper running shoe fit is important for injury prevention. Find out more by following the link below and learn which running shoe brands we have in stock. Start utilizing some of these essential recovery techniques for runners today!